A great many Captagon pills among Lebanese pomegranates, Riyadh shuts the lines
Saudi specialists have found 5.3 million pills of Captagon — a sort of amphetamine famous among rich youngsters in the Middle East, especially the Gulf — covered up in a shipment of pomegranates showing up in Saudi Arabia on April 23 from Lebanon. The occurrence incited a quick response from Riyadh which restricted the import of Lebanese horticultural items, tossing the ranchers of the cedar country into despair.
22% of Lebanon’s leafy foods trades are consumed by Saudi Arabia, and the reformatory measure fuels the country’s huge monetary issues — dollar holds are almost depleted and the public cash has lost about 90% of its worth from the finish of 2019 — with an administration left last August’s awful blast at the port of Beirut and with little possibility of having the option to shape another one in the short term.
The occurrence, be that as it may, positively affected Lebanese purchasers who have been discovering land items in the business sectors for a couple of days at 40% lower costs. Not a little for the individuals who manage the significant expense of living each day. Then again, ranchers are not grinning when they see their type of revenue hit in a particularly troublesome time.
Subsequently, the Lebanese inside serve, Mohamed Fahmy, took the field to guarantee the Saudis that Beirut is doing all that could be within reach to stop drug dealing towards Riyadh. Fahmy went on a visit in the Akkar district, north of the Bekaa valley, where pirating of a wide range of products, from medications to fuel to food, is wild across the boundary with Syria. Also, before MTV cameras, he announced that “The examination concerning the carried Captagon in Saudi Arabia is approaching its decision.
We captured two siblings engaged with the wrongdoing. ‘ Riyadh doesn’t withdraw and repeats that the import boycott will stay in power until Lebanon gives “sufficient and dependable certifications” on the battle against drug dealers.
Fehmi added that “he can’t affirm that the Shiite Hezbollah development is included” in sending the Captagon. This isn’t what the Saudis needed to hear, who are making a policy centered issue of medication dealing. Riyadh needs the continuous examination in Lebanon to prompt an open prosecution against Hezbollah, one of its principal foes around there and partner of Syria and Iran.
Never as in these days have the media constrained by the Saud government reviewed the maxi-seizure did last July by Italy of the biggest shipment of Captagon at any point recorded, worth one billion euros and coming from the Syrian port of Latakia. Toward the finish of April, al-Arabiya TV detailed with equivalent accentuation that Greece, with Saudi assistance, had held onto 4.3 huge loads of cannabis covered up in sweet-production apparatus on its way from Lebanon to Slovakia.
This is the reason mysterious Lebanese government authorities tell neighborhood papers that the import boycott seems, by all accounts, to be political instead of methods for battling drug dealing with the Middle East area.