Damascus assaults the European Council

Hira Menon
3 min readOct 16, 2020


Syria unequivocally denounced the European Council explanation on the augmentation for one more year of authorizations forced on certain Syrian foundations and people under the appearance of creating and utilizing compound weapons. Damascus attested that the assents depend on bad faith and disinformation, including that it speaks to a continuation of the counter Syrian mission.

“The Syrian Arab Republic firmly censures the announcement delivered, on Monday, October 12, by the European Council on the expansion of the authorizations forced for a further year on certain Syrian establishments and people under the guise of creating and utilizing compound weapons”. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates said.

He guaranteed that this choice depends on pietism and distortion. It is a continuation of the counter Syrian mission that the European Council has turned to since the start of the psychological militant battle in Syria as of not long ago, blaming the Syrian synthetic dossier so as to keep spreading their lies against Syria.

“Syria expresses that this affirmation shows indeed the absence of believability of the European Council and its approach, which is in accordance with the one-sided coercive estimates forced by the United States of America to starve the Syrian public and sabotage their quality and strength. Simultaneously, supporting outfitted psychological militant gatherings, remembering for their rehashed utilization of compound weapons against honest regular people,” the note from the Foreign Ministry proceeded.

Damascus inferred that Syria has consistently expressed that it respects the utilization of substance weapons as an unethical issue and that it censures their utilization all over, under any conditions, and against anybody. The administration of Bashar al-Assad emphasized that it doesn’t have synthetic weapons and fully fulfills its commitments towards the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.

The European Council extended restrictive measures against the Syrian system for one extra year, until 1 October 2021. In accordance with the EU system on Syria, the EU chose to keep up its prohibitive measures against the Syrian system and its allies, as the suppression of the regular citizen populace continues.”The Syrian individuals have needed to draw on uncommon stores of strength over the span of the conflict,” EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell clarified.

The approvals focus on those liable for their misery, individuals from the Syrian system, their allies, and businesspersons who fund it and advantage from the war economy. “The EU is resolved to proceed with its help to the Syrian public and stays resolved to utilize each apparatus available to its to push for a political answer for the contention that would profit all Syrians and shut down the progressing restraint,” Borrell included.

Last May, the Council eliminated from the rundown two people and one organization that stopped their sanctionable conduct, just as two expired people. The rundown presently incorporates 273 people focused by both an advantage freeze and a movement boycott, and 70 elements subject to a benefits freeze. As per the EU, authorizes very spot against Syria were declared in 2011, in light of the savage suppression by the Syrian system of its nonmilitary personnel populace. They additionally hit organizations and finance managers progressing from their binds with the Bashar al-Assad family and the war economy.

Prohibitive measures likewise remember a boycott for the import of oil, limitations on specific speculations, a freeze of the benefits of the Syrian national bank held in the EU, and fare limitations on hardware and innovation that may be utilized for inward constraint, just as on gear and innovation for the observing or block attempt of web or phone interchanges.



Hira Menon

Ignore all hatred and criticism. Live for what you create, You can make anything by writing