Iraq stretches out help to Syria’s re-visitation of Arab League

Hira Menon
2 min readApr 12, 2021


Iraq has stretched out its help to restore Syria’s enrollment ‘in the Arab League, 10 years after it was expelled for viciousness against regular citizens. This improvement has come as Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al Kadhimi held a gathering with Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul-Gheit on Saturday as a component of the last’s visit to Baghdad. According to reports, the two chiefs had conversations on different issues of provincial interest, remembering emergencies for Lebanon and Yemen.

On Saturday, Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein held talks with the Arab League Secretary-General, examining approaches to reinforce joint Arab activity and binding together endeavors to conquer normal difficulties in the locale. As indicated by an assertion gave by Iraq’s Foreign Ministry, Baghdad stretched out help for Syria’s re-visitation of the Arab League, alongside turning to exchange and receiving a political answer to end the Syrian emergency.

“The different sides examined various significant issues, most prominently Iraq’s relationship with nations, just as with Turkey and Iran, the issue of finishing the Syrian emergency by turning to exchange and embracing a political arrangement that prompts adjustment, and the arrival of Syria to involve its seat in the Arab League,” the assertion read.

Tending to a joint public interview after their gathering, Fuad Hussein and Ahmed Aboul-Gheit focused on the significance of cooperating to discover a component for exchange among compelling nations in Syria to balance out the conflict-torn country. In such a manner, Hussein additionally noticed that long periods of precariousness in Syria have adversely affected the circumstance in Iraq.

In November 2011, Syria was suspended from the Arab League over the fierce crackdown on supportive of majority rules system fights by President Bashar al-Assad’s administration. As per the United Nations, in excess of 3,500 regular citizens lost their lives in the ruthless crackdown. The 22-part alliance had likewise forced different financial and political assents on Damascus to squeeze al-Assad’s administration to end the crackdown.

Following 10 years of common conflict, Syria is trying to get back to the Arab alliance as various part states have communicated their help for the restoration of its enrollment. A month ago, Egyptian Foreign Affairs Minister Sameh Shoukry said that Syria’s re-visitation of the Arab League would be pivotal for keeping up public safety in the locale. He offered the comments during the initial meeting of a gathering of the Arab League Foreign Ministers Council on March 3. Simultaneously, UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheik Abdullah container Zayed Al-Nahyan stretched out help for Syria’s re-visitation of the alliance, while calling for provincial participation to end the conflict in the country.



Hira Menon

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