Police linked to Bakichi are said to have killed a Protestant youth in Tunisia

Hira Menon
2 min readJun 15, 2021


On Saturday night, June 12, took place on the outskirts of Tunisia, the capital of Tunisia, hours after demonstrations against government and police violence led by the Muslim Brotherhood in response to the alleged death of a young man who had just returned. of outgoing phone calls.

Dozens of young people threw bullets and fireworks at police, who fired tear gas near a police station in the popular Sidi Hassin neighborhood, AFP reported. Unrest broke out in recent nights following the suspicious death of a young resident of the neighborhood, Ahmed ben Amar, shortly after his arrest.

In the late afternoon, dozens of left-wing activists and residents of popular neighborhoods demonstrated in front of the Interior Ministry and put up banners reading “Who will protect us from the police?” Save lives, punish the police. Among them was the mother of three young men who had died in the past three years following their arrest and who demanded justice for their children. Protesters threw chairs at police on Avenue Bourguiba in central Tunisia at the start of the demonstration and several protesters were arrested.

“Our young people are risking their lives on a boat for Europe because schools are no longer valuable, their health is the same and the police are doing everything, we are afraid for their future,” said one protester. Police accused the family of the young man who died of beating him to death. An investigation was opened, but on Thursday, the Home Office denied that he died of maltreatment during his arrest or detention.

A video that went viral showed a minor being arrested on Wednesday in between funerals, completely naked, beaten to the ground, and then escorted to a police car by plainclothes officers, causing loud noises. A second investigation has been launched to determine responsibility for “violations related to this intervention,” the Tunisian ministry said. In Tunisia, more than a decade after the end of Zin El-Abidin Ben Ali’s police regime, security forces are no longer discreet but have hardly been reformed since then. According to international organizations and human rights activists, their violations are rarely the subject of legal proceedings.

Tunisia is experiencing a deep economic, political and social crisis for which the population sees the Islamist party Enahda, the local wing of the Muslim Brotherhood, responsible. Its leader, Rashid Ganucci, heads parliament, which continues to support an illegitimate government that goes against the constitution, and the President of the Republic who accuses the group of corruption and other crimes. President Kais Sayed opposes the destruction of the state by Islamists but lacks the power needed for real change.



Hira Menon

Ignore all hatred and criticism. Live for what you create, You can make anything by writing